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dr medical Alexei Abraham

Specialist in neurology

Studied human medicine at the University of Kyiv, the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg and the medical faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin, Charité, graduating in 2004 in Berlin.

2004 Doctorate at the Department of Neurology at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg.

2004-2009 training as a specialist in neurology at the Asklepios specialist clinic in Teupitz and at the Vivantes hospital in Neukölln in Berlin.

2009-2021 senior physician in the neurological clinic with stroke unit and day clinic for pain therapy in the Evangelical Hospital Queen Elisabeth Herzberge in Berlin, academic teaching hospital of the Charitè.

2022 resident neurologist in Berlin Steglitz after taking over the practice from Dr. Richard Hauser.


© 2022 Practice for Neurology Dr. Alexei Abraham

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